
  • 穿着白大褂在实验室处理危险物质的学生.
  • 给被吊出水面的鳄鱼做标记
  • 穿着白大褂的学生在实验室拿着样品工作.
  • 暗礁上的潜水员


The 十大彩票网投平台, through its 斯托克斯海事学校 and Environmental Sciences, offers an interdisciplinary Master’s program in 环境科学. Its students focus on understanding how toxins, pollutants, and other stressors affect 人的健康、食物网和生态系统. 这个项目的学生将学习 to:

  • Evaluate the impact of toxins, pollutants, and other stressors in the environment
  • Perform laboratory and/or field studies to evaluate the impacts of toxins, pollutants, and stressors at a molecular level, as well as in organisms, populations, food webs, 生态系统和社区.
  • Optimize and/or develop field or laboratory methods to identify and evaluate toxic 生物群和环境中的物质
  • Evaluate strategies to prevent, mitigate, monitor and/or control and manage toxic 与环境和人类健康有关的物质


It has become increasingly evident that future scientists must be capable of working on interdisciplinary teams to address the challenges affecting human and ecosystem 健康. 对训练有素的工作人员的迫切需要已得到清楚的证明 the northern Gulf Coast following Hurricane Katrina and the Deepwater Horizon oil 泄漏. 与沿海人口增长相关的长期变化及其影响 全球气候变化问题也需要得到更多关注. 迅速变暖的海洋增加了 runoff from coastal urban centers, and expanding ranges and frequencies of harmful algal blooms require improved monitoring and development of effective assessment, 监测、缓解和管理这些压力源.

环境科学 是基于科学的跨学科研究生项目吗. 一群受过演说训练的劳动力 problems facing marine and estuarine environments is critical to protecting water quality, sustaining populations of living resources, managing habitats and mitigating 人类活动的影响. 环境科学硕士学位培养科学家 to:

  • identify and quantify the presence and impacts of pollutants, toxins and mixtures 在海洋和河口水域.
  • develop strategies to address the impacts of environmental toxicants and toxins and protect ecosystems, their delivery of critical services, and aquatic and human community 健康.
  • communicate findings and data to stakeholders and policy makers to ensure effective 实施策略.

The program at 南 is designed to give students the advanced scientific knowledge 以及进入劳动力市场并立即产生影响的必要技能. 培训 focuses on the latest techniques in environmental toxicology, environmental chemistry, environmental monitoring, scientific communication, and a foundational background 在环境统计中. 


Program graduates will be positioned and qualified to pursue opportunities across multiple employment sectors, including academic research, state and federal government research and policy, industry, non-governmental organizations, private consulting 和/或环境监测,或任何需要硕士学位的工作.S. 学位原文 集中面积. 或者,学生可以继续他们的教育追求 Ph值.D. 环境科学或相关领域的学位.g.海洋科学; 生物学,生物医学科学).

▼   入学要求和截止日期


Applications for Fall admission are due by June 1 of each year, however, students 须于4月1日前提出申请,以充分考虑资助机会. 招生 normally begins in the fall semester; however spring admissions will be considered 具体情况具体分析. 除了一般的入学要求 研究生院, minimal requirements for admission in full standing to the MS Program 环境科学专业有:

  • 相关专业的学士学位.g.、生物学、生物医学、化学、 marine sciences, geology, physics, and environmental engineering) from an accredited 四年制大专或大学.
  • 本科最低平均绩点为3分.整体0 (4).0分制).
  • 学生 applying to this program should have completed the following undergraduate courses with passing grades: biology; introductory statistics; and an upper division 化学课(s). 应用程序将进行整体评估和替代 可以根据具体情况进行调整吗.
  • Foreign applicants must meet all University entrance requirements and meet a minimum 托福成绩71分(或同等成绩). 更多的细节 外国申请人可以在这里找到:  http://xa5.meigouexpress.com/departments/international/requirements-deadline.html


  • A completed application including a statement indicating the student's interests, 专业目标、项目简介(论文学生)
  • 所有本科院校的正式成绩单
  • 至少两封专业推荐信 
▼   学位要求

The Master of Science degree in 环境科学 is awarded in recognition of the student's demonstrated ability to successfully complete a prescribed program of 课程和研究(至少32学分). 可能包括两条轨道 论文轨道和非论文(专业)轨道.

学生 in the thesis track will work with a faculty advisor and student advisory committee to conduct original research (thesis) on a key topic in one of the environmental 毒理学学科. 为竞争论文的学生提供有限数量的研究生 research assistantships are available that may support 20 hrs of non-thesis work and 学费减免.

学生 in the non-thesis (professional) track are not required to undertake original scholarly research (thesis), but instead complete an internship or capstone project (见下文). 非论文学生在实习期间可以获得部分资助.


To complete the required 32 hours of the degree, all students must complete the four 项目核心课程(12学分). 剩下的课程(6学分)的要求应该 be met through elective courses related to the discipline that are approved by the 项目协调人. 指导研究(6学分)和论文时间(8学分)与教师 指导老师将被要求完成论文学生的学位要求. In the case of non-thesis students, thesis hours will be substituted with additional 与项目协调员协商选择的选修课.


A maximum of twelve (12) semester hours of graduate courses taken at another accredited university in the same (or closely related) subject as that of the masters program 可以被认为是美国硕士学位要求的一部分吗. 只有A的成绩 或“B”可被接受为转学分. 研究生协调员将进行评估 transfer credit; the transfer credit is approved by the Dean of the 研究生院 only after completion of a minimum of eight semester hours of graduate course work 在硕士项目中. 


▼   项目课程



课程数量 课程名称 学分
地理信息系统501 科研诚信 (1 cr)
EXT 515 环境化学(讲座/实验 (4 cr)
MAS / CE /布莱/ PHA 选择性__ (3 cr)


课程数量 课程名称 学分
ST 550 环境统计数据 (4 cr)
MAS / CE /布莱/ PHA 选择性__ (3 cr)
EXT 594 指导研究第一部分 (3 cr)


课程数量 课程名称 学分
EXT 515 环境毒理学 (4 cr)
EXT 594 指导研究第二部分 (3 cr)
EXT 599 研究论文第一部分
(4 cr)


课程数量 课程名称 学分
EXT 594 定向研究第三部分  (3 cr)
EXT 599 研究论文第二部分(项目完成) (4 cr)



课程数量 课程名称 学分
601年马斯 物理海洋学 (4 cr)
CE 579 环境工程基础 (3 cr)
SY 567  环境社会学 (3 cr)
CH 540 生物化学我 (3 cr)
CH 541  生物化学二世 (3 cr)
544年布莱 分子生物学 (3 cr)
PHA 643  分子和细胞毒性 (3 cr)
