
The Center for Academic Excellence provides subject-area tutoring for a variety of undergraduate courses across the general education curriculum, with special emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), as well as support for historically difficult courses.


The Center for Academic Excellence tutoring staff strongly believes in a growth mindset, which emphasizes that anyone can learn anything with hard work and commitment to learning.  Thus, we employ a collaborative tutoring model in which the client is central to the 学习的过程.  This is to say that CAE subject tutors don't simply provide answers to challenging assignments and problems; instead, our subject tutors seek to help clients discover the answers themselves by working through examples using variety 教学技巧. 

We hope that students who visit our subject tutoring facilities will leave with a greater breath of knowledge, able to approach their coursework more confidently.  Therefore, we hope that clients will view our subject tutoring services not as a means of getting answers and acing a single assignment but instead as a way to improve over time and gain skills for the future.


Schedule a tutoring appointment. 

Once you’ve made an appointment, please bring your course materials, assignment, textbook, 和问题.  Your subject tutor will work with you one-on-one to review concepts, work through examples, clarify your understanding, and answer your questions. 

We look forward to seeing you soon!


Subject tutoring is provided for a variety of general education courses, with specific emphasis historically difficult courses and those in math in sciences. 课程是 updated per semester, and hourly availability varies per course.